Are you a skimmer or a reader?

In the evening, you'll often find me browsing my Instagram Stories in the evening. Bad habit, I know, but it did often inspire my family for field trips and took us to some interesting places.

And only yesterday I stumbled across his post by Peter van Teeseling (@pvantees) who shared the most interesting long read.

I'm a screenshotter and link forwarder Whatever lands in my mailbox = worth the read. That's my bookmarking strategy.

I'm a screenshotter and link forwarder Whatever lands in my mailbox = worth the read. That's my bookmarking strategy.

I read. And I wonder. Should skim reading be the new normal? And are we truly losing our ability and aptitude at in-depth reading? 

This particular paragraph struck me.

The possibility that critical analysis, empathy and other deep reading processes could become the unintended “collateral damage” of our digital culture is not a simple binary issue about print vs digital reading. It is about how we all have begun to read on any medium and how that changes not only what we read, but also the purposes for why we read. Nor is it only about the young. The subtle atrophy of critical analysis and empathy affects us all. It affects our ability to navigate a constant bombardment of information. It incentivizes a retreat to the most familiar silos of unchecked information, which require and receive no analysis, leaving us susceptible to false information and demagoguery.

Abandon hope all ye who read this on a screen? It's not too late, but it will require some re-educating and awareness raising by all of us.

Human beings need a knowledge of where they are in time and space that allows them to return to things and learn from re-examination – what he calls the “technology of recurrence”. The importance of recurrence for both young and older readers involves the ability to go back, to check and evaluate one’s understanding of a text. The question, then, is what happens to comprehension when our youth skim on a screen whose lack of spatial thereness discourages “looking back.

Ask me, we haven't pursued knowledge this much to get overwhelmed by fake news and irrelevant content.

Meanwhile, I have two unfinished library books waiting on my nightstand, and this one arrived today.


The irony eh?

Content repurposing - the #happydrupa effect

Happy is as happy gets. And although I try to take back a little bit of happiness from every show I visit (Fespa, drupa), sometimes it takes an extra special - or should I say happy - surprise to keep the feeling going.

Last week I received a intriguing enveloppe with my address details written by hand. Hand written snailmail? Consider me pleased as punch. Would it be a wedding invite, a ‘new baby in the framily‘ announcement or a party invite? None of the above. Turns out it was one of the best DM I have received in years.

Hand written address details - the personal touch does the trick.

At drupa, Ed Boogaard introduced 2 figurines he kept as a memento from drupa 1982. He now took them back to the future, aka the Messe fairgrounds of drupa 2016. He captured their key visits in quirky snapshots that got posted on Twitter alongside the #happydrupa hashtag. Their arrival, first German food, meeting Mr. PrintPakt, meeting Mr. Landa, work hard party hard – you name it. 2 weeks of little Playmobil people fun.

Cute. I confess I tuned in regularly to follow their adventures during the show.

So what a wonderful surprise to see that Ed had turned their social wanderings into a small printed booklet that he sent individually to the #happydrupa followers. How’s that for keeping the social online conversation going?

The boys took the #happydrupa followers on a tour of #drupa2016 highlights.

I’m a big fan of repurposing on site and on the spot generated content. It will have served its purpose ad hoc, but that does not mean its meaning should remain confined within that moment. Repurposing your social content in a digital or print manner afterwards is a wonderful way of stretching your communication momentum just a little bit longer. A good quote, a fine image or a fun story in this case, can last longer than its 140 character life on Twitter.

Keep good content alive. The #happydrupa was generated on social, repurposed in print. And now promoted online in this blog.

The only remaining question is: did they touch the future? What did the Marty McFly’s think of the future of print? Stay tuned... 

Maya Staels

Before drupa the deluge

The anticipation build-up towards drupa was huge. Whereas the previous edition was marked by a sense of caution, instilled by the crisis, it seems the market is ready to be bold(er) again. drupa communication picked up like it hasn't done in years, companies were looking for the right tone of voice to make sure they could "unleash" print at this year's edition. (I've seen quite some unleashing references, I think it might be the drupa word du jour.)

Yesterday I roamed the halls to get acquainted again with this massive show. (I get lost easily and my navigation skills suck. Ask anybody who knows me.) Bumped into some journalists to secure some interview slots. USBs are ready, so are the flyers and the briefing documents. All this anticipation and here we are. Moment of truth.

Yesterday the fair cities of Düsseldorf and Cologne got just about flooded with the rain. What a metaphore for the drupa theme. It flooded our lives the last few months and now it will flood the cities for the next two weeks. After drupa, no deluge. It just marks the beginning of another three year cycle.

I'm ready. Release (unleash?) the Kraken.


P.S. Most likely I'll be around halls 7, 8 and the press centre. Always willing to get lost or take a detour to talk communication.

My view looking out of the car window as we drove back to the hotel. #Aquaplaning anyone? #drupa2016

My view looking out of the car window as we drove back to the hotel. #Aquaplaning anyone? #drupa2016