reel - PR and content services for B2B technical markets

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Fespa, drupa and the end of print's beauty sleep.

As children of the crisis (if you’re my age and no, I’m not telling), we entered the job market a couple of years before the print market got hit. Then we suffered through the budget cuts, the bankruptcies, the company consolidations. And listened to the tales of good times passed.

We focused on the moneymaking tasks, did hard sales, forgot about the softer communication skills. The market and media got hit. Hard. Companies and publications disappeared. Talented people left the industry. Valuable knowledge got lost. PR learnt the hard way too. Do more with less. Less advertising budget, less copy budget, less market knowledge. We survived, got creative and never lost hope.

And then drupa 2012 happened – new technologies paved the way towards an uprise in the market. People dared believing again. They dared stand up to the “print is dead” cries from the digital community. Print was not dead, it was taking a beauty sleep. Only to rise like the phoenix. Reinventing itself.

Fespa 2015 made it clear change was knocking on opportunity’s door. Hopes and spirits went up. And so did the creative juices in the industry. New allies were formed, new markets got discovered and new technologies emerged. You could just feel positive vibes oozing through the hallways.

By embracing the new technologies, the PR scene discovered new media and channels to convey the message of customers. Visual storytelling, social strategy research, digital sales lead generation. Old school got out, new school was in session. PR truly got 360° by reinventing the print, digital, online and social wheels. I, for one, feel envigorated already.

And as we kick off the first day of Fespa Digital 2016, online communication makes it clear that disruption took place. Now it is time to transform the business. Communicate on what you have accomplished and what you’re planning to do. Get your content straight. And make sure the market finds out about it. Choose your content, channels and partners wisely.

See you at the shows.


P.S. You'll find me at Fespa Digital 2016 March 8-9. Drop me a line/tweet/ext if you want to meet up.